How beautiful. It made me think of this video I saw just the other day. I think this will move you. ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6W79Vhy7Z7/?igsh=a2VkdDB1NXNvZDk1

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Thank you. I appreciated that. David Whyte is an interesting person. I've never met him, but we know a number of the same people on Whidbey Island. Trying to figure out if I had ever talked to him or had an email exchange with him -- I had a vague memory of some kind of contact -- I see that many years ago I proposed doing a book combining my art and his prose and poetry. It obviously never went anywhere.

I also just read your post "What's not meant to be." Even more interesting -- this concept of how comfortable we are living on the various edges life presents us versus self-protectiveness. And getting that balance right. And whether or not we actually search out edges of unpredictability for the richness they add to a human life.

As a creator on Substack I deal with, and maybe you deal with, the reality that there is so much on here that is worthwhile that it would be easy to read them all day long and never get anything creative or worthwhile done or built. In addition to "The Farm Note" I also came across a Substack by Wes Kao, another fascinating person doing interesting things, saying interesting things.

It makes me wonder about Substack as a means of creating something unique, and whether or not that is feasible.

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I should have said, today, in addition to "The Farm Note" I also came across a Substack by Wes Kao, another fascinating person doing interesting things, saying interesting things. Once a month I put an hour into Substack and always come across a number of interesting writers and their thought-provoking posts. That raises a lot of issues.

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I often think we come across people's work at the very moment we were needing the inspiration or the perspective or the lesson - many of your posts end up that way, for me. And...I was suggested your publication by the man we bought our farm from. Turns out his suggestion to read your work came at the perfect time. Your art certainly speaks to me. Thanks for all you do, share, and create. ❤️

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